Script example curve projection

This document shows how to use the algorithm of trajectory projection to design feasible gradient waveforms.


Enter the Gradient constraints

close all
clear all

Parameters of the scanner (here used in [Lustig et al, IEEE TMI 2008])

Gmax = 40e-3;  % T/m
Smax = 150e-3; % T/m/ms
Kmax = 600;     % m^-1

gamma = 42.576*1e3; % kHz/T

alpha = gamma*Gmax;  % in m^-1 ms^-1
beta  = gamma*Smax;  % in m^-1 ms^-2
Dt    = .004;        % sampling time in ms

Choose an input trajectory for the algorithm

Give an input trajectory

load citiesTSPexample

% w1 = 14.7*2*pi*Gmax;
% w2 = 8.7/1.02*2*pi*Gmax;
% T = .17/Gmax;
% t = 0e-3:Dt:T;
% C = Kmax*sin(w1*t').*exp(1i*w2*t');
% x=[real(C)';imag(C)'];
% s0=parameterize_maximum_speed(x,.9*alpha,Dt)';

figure, plot(s0(1:end,1),s0(1:end,2),'b.','linewidth',2)
axis equal, axis off
set(gcf,'Color',[1 1 1])
legend('input trajectory')

Specify constraints

dt=Dt;  % discretisation step;

% define kinematic constraints
C_kine=set_MRI_constraints_RV(alpha,beta,dt);  % Rotation Variant Constraints
%C_kine=set_MRI_constraints_RIV(alpha,beta,dt); % Rotation Invariant Constraints

% and affine constraints
%C_linear=set_Linear_constraints(size(s0,1),size(s0,2),'start_point',[0 0]);
C_linear=set_Linear_constraints(size(s0,1),size(s0,2),'start_point',[0 0],'end_point',[0 0],'gradient_moment_nulling',1,'curve_splitting',1400);

% Algorithm parameters
Algo_param.nit = 100000;  % number of iterations
Algo_param.L=16;    % Lipschitz constant of the gradient

% optional parameters (default 0)
Algo_param.show_progression = 0; % 0 = no progression , can be really slow
Algo_param.display_results  = 1;

Project curve with Rotation-Invariant Constraints

Constraint verifications:

Value of constraint 1: 6.8982   (Bound: 6.8122)
Value of constraint 2: 0.13604   (Bound: 0.10218)
Elapsed time is 399.873498 seconds.

Display the output trajectory

figure, plot(s0(:,1),s0(:,2),'b','linewidth',2)
hold on,
axis equal, axis off
set(gcf,'Color',[1 1 1])
legend('input trajectory', 'projected trajectory')